
2019-09-02 14:09:01 来源: 浏览:





2000.9-2004.6   就读于华中师范大学数学与应用数学专业,获理学学士学位。

2008.9-2011.6   就读于华中师范大学运筹学与控制论专业,获理学硕士学位。

2015.9-2018.6   就读于华中师范大学运筹学与控制论专业,获理学博士学位。

2004.7-2018.12  就职于湖北理工学院数理学院,20165月评为副教授。

2019.1至今 就职于湖北文理学院数学与统计学学院,副教授。


1. 图的零强迫数、最小秩、最大零度及其相关问题研究(国家自然科学青年基金,


2. 基于离心率的几类极值图论问题研究(湖北文理学院学科开放基金,XK2019057),在


3. 基于距离条件下的图参数与谱参数研究(湖北省教育厅指导性项目,B2015089),结题。

4. 距离条件下的某些图参数和谱参数研究(华中师范大学优秀博士学位论文培育计划项


5. 几类图的谱极值问题研究(华中师范大学研究生教育创新资助项目,2016CXZZ156),


6. 三圈图的顶点度的幂和(湖北理工学院科研项目,11yjz30Q),结题。


1. S.C. Li, L.C. Zhang, M.J. Zhang, On the extremal cacti of given parameters with respect to the difference of zagreb indices, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (SCI), Doi:10.1007/s10878-019-00391-4.

2. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, B.G. Xu, G.F. Wang, On the minimal eccentric connectivity indices of bipartite graphs with some given parameters, Discrete Applied Mathematics (SCI), 258 (2019) 242~253.

3. C. Chen, S.C. Li, M.J. Zhang, Relation between the H-rank of a mixed graph and the rank of its underlying graph, Discrete Mathematics (SCI), 342(2019) 1300~1309.

4. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, Extremal properties of distance-based graph invariants for k-trees, Mathematica Bohemica (SCI), 143 (2018) 41-66.

5. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, Connectivity, diameter, independence number and the distance spectral radius of graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI), 529 (2017) 30-50.

6. Y. Shen, L.H. You, M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, On a conjecture for the signless Laplacian spectral radius of cacti with given matching number, Linear Multilinear Algebra (SCI), 65 (2017) 457-474.

7. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, Connectivity, diameter, independence number and the distance spectral radius of graphs, Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI), 529 (2017) 30-50.

8. S.C. Li, H.H. Zhang, M.J. Zhang, Further results on the reciprocal degree distance of graphs, Journal of Combinatorial Optimization (SCI), 31 (2) (2016) 648-668.

9. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, Extremal cacti of given matching number with respect to the distance spectral radius, Applied Mathematics and Computation (SCI), 291 (2016) 89-97.

10. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, Extremal Halin graphs with respect to the signless Laplacian spectra, Discrete Applied Mathematics (SCI), 213 (2016) 207-218.

11. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, Corrigendum to “On the signless Laplacian spectra of k-trees”, Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI), 485 (2015) 527-530.

12. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, On the signless Laplacian spectra of k-trees, Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI) , 467 (2015) 136-148. (ESI高被引论文)

13. S.C. Li, H.H. Zhang, M.J. Zhang, On the spectral moment of graphs with k cut edges, Electronic Journal of Linear Algebra (SCI), 26 (2) (2013) 718-731.

14. S.C. Li, M.J. Zhang, On the signless Laplacian index of cacti with a given number of pendant vertices, Linear Algebra and its Applications (SCI), 436 (2012) 4400-4411.

15. S.C. Li, M.J. Zhang, Sharp bounds on the zeroth-order general Randi\'{c} indices of conjugated bicyclic graphs, Mathematical and Computer Modelling (SCI), 53 (2011) 1990-2004.

16. M.J. Zhang, S.C. Li, On the zeroth-order general Randi\'{c} index, Journal of Mathematical Chemistry (SCI), 49 (2011) 325-327.

17. S.C. Li, M.J. Zhang,  Sharp upper bounds for Zagreb indices of bipartite graphs with a given diameter, Applied Mathematics Letters (SCI), 24 (2010) 131-137.

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